Fees Explained - Kogan Energy

Fees explained.

Find out more about electricity and gas fees.

Special meter read 

A fee charged any time your meter needs to be read outside the normal quarterly cycle. This could happen because you asked, or because you’re moving into or out of a property. This fee is charged when you move into a property (although not if there’s a smart meter). 

Move-in read 

A special meter read that’s done when you move into a property, to make sure you’re only charged for power used from that point on. This fee is charged when you move into a property (although not if there’s a smart meter). 

Note: It is applicable for both electricity and gas connection.

Move-out read 

A special meter read when you move out of property, to make sure you’re not charged for any power used after you vacate. (This fee only applies if the meter needs to be checked in person – not if there’s a smart meter.) 

Note: It is applicable for both electricity and gas connections.

Manual connection 

If the power isn’t connected at a property you’re moving into, you’ll be charged a fee to get it connected.  

Manual disconnection 

Generally, power doesn’t need to be disconnected when you move out of a property, but if for some reason it does (like there won’t be any incoming tenants for a while) your distributor will charge a disconnection fee. 

Non-standard smart meter installation 

A standard smart meter installation is free, but your distributor will charge a fee if additional work is needed to do the installation – such as removing asbestos, installing fuses or installing a meter-protection device. 

Site establishment  

A fee for establishing a new connection, for example at a newly built property.  

Remote connection 

If you’ve moving into a property with a smart meter, your local metering coordinator will charge a small fee to reconnect your electricity remotely. 

Remote disconnection 

If you’ve moving out of a property with a smart meter, and your distributor needs to disconnect the power, your local metering coordinator will charge a small fee to disconnect your electricity remotely. 

Smart meter exchange – admin fee
A fee charged by Kogan Energy for coordinating the replacement of a traditional electricity meter with a smart meter.

Gas only fees:

Reference read

If you’re disputing whether a meter reading done by your distributor is correct, you can ask for special reference read to be done. If the original read turns out to be wrong there’s no charge for this extra meter reading – but if the original read was correct you’ll be charged this reference read fee.  

Disconnect – attach locks

If a customer doesn’t pay their gas bill for an extended period of time, the distributor may turn off the gas and fit locks to prevent it being turned on, and charge this fee for the work done. 

Reconnect – remove locks 

If the gas connection has been locked for non-payment, this fee may be charged by the distributor for removing the locks and reconnecting the gas.