The development of COVID-19 and its implications has led to an unprecedented time in Australia and across the world. All of us at Kogan Energy take our role in customer’s daily lives very seriously and we want all our customers to know we are here to support them as the COVID-19 situation develops and changes.
We know every situation will be different, so we have a number of ways we can help and assist with changes in your circumstances from 1 March or as a result of COVID-19. We also have long-held practices and policies in place that enable us to provide flexible financial assistance to our customers in times of need.
The first thing you should is get in touch with us early. We have your back and are ready to help for however long it takes.
For eligible residential customers some of the options available which will help give you piece of mind include:
If you are working remotely, or if you are in self-isolation, your energy usage is likely to change. Our usage tools are available to help you manage these changes.
If you need immediate assistance, please get in touch by phone.
We’re around Monday to Friday 8am – 7pm AEST
If you’re enquiry is less urgent, you can reach out to us via email and we’ll get back to you in no time.
We’re around Monday to Friday 8am – 7pm AEST
This page will be updated regularly as new information comes to light. Kogan Energy will continue to work closely with Powershop who are the power provider for Kogan Energy. Powershop is working closely with government, regulators and the industry on ways to support our customers to get through these tough times.